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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Chemistry with Vernier

+ Chemistry with Vernier +
1 Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions Go Direct® Temperature Probe
2 Freezing and Melting of Water Go Direct® Temperature Probe
3 Another Look at Freezing Temperature Go Direct® Temperature Probe (2)
4 Heat of Fusion of Ice Go Direct® Temperature Probe
5 Find the Relationship: An Exercise in Graphing Analysis Analysis of Provided Data
6 Boyle’s Law: Pressure-Volume Relationship in Gases Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
7 Pressure-Temperature Relationship in Gases Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
8 Fractional Distillation Go Direct® Temperature Probe
9 Evaporation and Intermolecular Attractions Go Direct® Temperature Probe (2)
10 Vapor Pressure of Liquids Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
11 Determining the Concentration of a Solution: Beer’s Law Go Direct® Colorimeter
12 Effect of Temperature on Solubility of a Salt Go Direct® Temperature Probe
13 Properties of Solutions: Electrolytes and Non-Electrolytes Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
14 Conductivity of Solutions: The Effect of Concentration Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
15 Using Freezing Point Depression to Find Molecular Weight Go Direct® Temperature Probe
16 Energy Content of Foods Go Direct® Temperature Probe
17 Energy Content of Fuels Go Direct® Temperature Probe
18 Additivity of Heats of Reaction: Hess’s Law Go Direct® Temperature Probe
19 Heat of Combustion: Magnesium Go Direct® Temperature Probe
20 Chemical Equilibrium: Finding a Constant, Kc Go Direct® Colorimeter
21 Household Acids and Bases Go Direct® pH Sensor
22 Acid Rain Go Direct® pH Sensor
23 Titration Curves of Strong and Weak Acids and Bases Go Direct® pH Sensor
24 Acid-Base Titration Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
25 Titration of a Diprotic Acid: Identifying an Unknown Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
26 Using Conductivity to Find an Equivalence Point Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Go Direct® Drop Counter
27 Acid Dissociation Constant, Ka Go Direct® pH Sensor
28 Establishing a Table of Reduction Potentials: Micro-Voltaic Cells Go Direct® Voltage Probe
29 Lead Storage Batteries Go Direct® Voltage Probe
30 Rate Law Determination of the Crystal Violet Reaction Go Direct® Colorimeter
31 Time-Release Vitamin C Tablets Go Direct® pH Sensor
32 The Buffer in Lemonade Go Direct® pH Sensor
33 Determining the Free Chlorine Content of Swimming Pool Water Go Direct® Colorimeter
34 Determining the Quantity of Iron in a Vitamin Tablet Go Direct® Colorimeter
35 Determining the Phosphoric Acid Content in Soft Drinks Go Direct® pH Sensor
36 Microscale Acid-Base Titration Go Direct® pH Sensor

Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Vernier Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry

+ Vernier Investigating Chemistry through Inquiry + ‘
1 Physical Properties of Water Go Direct® Temperature Probe
2 Baking Soda and Vinegar Investigations Go Direct® Temperature Probe
3 An Investigation of Urea-Containing Cold Packs Go Direct® Temperature Probe
4 Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
5 Identifying a Pure Substance Go Direct® Temperature Probe
6 Investigating the Energy Content of Foods Go Direct® Temperature Probe
7 Investigating the Energy Content of Fuels Go Direct® Temperature Probe
8 Evaporation and Intermolecular Attractions Go Direct® Temperature Probe (2)
9 Enthalpy Changes Go Direct® Temperature Probe
10 Reaction Stoichiometry Go Direct® Temperature Probe
11 Beer’s Law Investigations Go Direct® Colorimeter
12 Colligative Properties of Solutions Go Direct® Temperature Probe
13 Long Term Water Monitoring Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
14 Vapor Pressure and Heat of Vaporization Investigations Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
15 Acid-Base Properties of Household Products Go Direct® pH Sensor
16 The Effect of Acid Deposition on Aqueous Systems Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
17 Acid-Base Titrations Go Direct® pH Sensor
18 Conductimetric Titrations Go Direct® Conductivity Probe
19 Oxidation-Reduction Titrations Go Direct® ORP Sensor
20 Investigating Voltaic Cells Go Direct® Voltage Probe
21 Baking Soda and Vinegar Investigations Revisited Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor, Go Direct® pH Sensor
22 Reaction Rates Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
23 Enzyme Activity Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
24 Sugar Fermentation by Yeast Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
25 Nuclear Radiation Go Direct® Radiation Monitor

Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Advanced Chemistry with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments

+ Advanced Chemistry with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments + ‘
1 The Determination of a Chemical Formula crucible, lab burner, dessicator
2 The Determination of the Percent Water in a Compound crucible, lab burner, dessicator
3 The Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
4 Using Freezing-Point Depression to Find Molecular Weight Go Direct® Temperature Probe
5 The Molar Volume of a Gas Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
6 Standardizing a Solution of Sodium Hydroxide Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
7 Acid-Base Titration Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
8 An Oxidation-Reduction Titration: The Reaction of Fe2+ and Ce4+ Go Direct® ORP Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
9 Determining the Mole Ratios in a Chemical Reaction Go Direct® Temperature Probe
10 The Determination of an Equilibrium Constant Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
11 Investigating Indicators Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
12 The Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
13 Determining the Enthalpy of a Chemical Reaction Go Direct® Temperature Probe
14A Separation and Qualitative Analysis of Cations Go Direct® pH Sensor
14B Separation and Qualitative Analysis of Anions Go Direct® pH Sensor
15A The Synthesis of Alum Go Direct® Temperature Probe
15B The Analysis of Alum Go Direct® Temperature Probe
16 Conductimetric Titration and Gravimetric Determination of a Precipitate Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Go Direct® Drop Counter
17 Determining the Concentration of a Solution: Beer’s Law Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
18 Liquid Chromatography Sep-Pak Column
19 Buffers Go Direct® pH Sensor
20 Electrochemistry: Voltaic Cells Go Direct® Voltage Probe
21 Electroplating Go Direct® Constant Current System
22 The Synthesis and Analysis of Aspirin Go Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
23 Determining the Ksp of Calcium Hydroxide Go Direct® pH Sensor
24 Determining Ka by the Half-Titration of a Weak Acid Go Direct® pH Sensor
25 The Rate and Order of a Chemical Reaction Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
26 The Enthalpy of Neutralization of Phosphoric Acid Go Direct® Temperature Probe
27 α, β, and γ Go Direct® Radiation Monitor
28 Radiation Shielding Go Direct® Radiation Monitor
29 The Base Hydrolysis of Ethyl Acetate Platinum-Cell Conductivity Probe, Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
30 Exploring the Properties of Gases Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
31 Determining Avogadro’s Number Go Direct® Constant Current System
32 Potentiometric Titration of Hydrogen Peroxide Go Direct® ORP Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
33 Determining the Half-Life of an Isotope Go Direct® Radiation Monitor
34 Vapor Pressure and Heat of Vaporization Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor, Go Direct® Temperature Probe
35 Rate Determination and Activation Energy Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer


Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Vernier Chemistry Investigations for Use with AP Chemistry

‘ + Vernier Chemistry Investigations for Use with AP Chemistry + ‘
1 Investigating Food Dyes in Sports Beverages Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
2 Determining the Copper Content in Brass Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
3 Investigating Water Hardness Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Go Direct® pH Sensor, Electrode Support
4 The Acidity of Juice and Soft Drinks Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
5 Separating Molecules Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
6 Identifying an Unknown Substance Go Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Electrode Support
7 Investigating the Purity of a Mixture Go Direct® Conductivity Probe, Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
8 Determining the Percent Peroxide in a Commercial Product Go Direct® ORP Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
9 Investigating the Components of a Commercial Tablet Go Direct® Melt Station
10 The Effect of Acid Rain on a Marble Structure Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor
11 Investigating the Kinetics of a Crystal Violet Reaction Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
12 Investigating Commercial Hand Warmers Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Electrode Support
13 Investigating LeChatelier’s Principle Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® pH Sensor
14 Investigating Acid-Base Titrations Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
15 The Buffering Ability of Commercial Products Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter
16 Testing the Effectiveness of a Buffer Go Direct® pH Sensor, Go Direct® Drop Counter


Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Nuclear Chemistry with Vernier Lab Manual Experiments

Nuclear Radiation with Vernier contains six free experiments for data collection with a radiation monitor including Distance and Radiation, Counting Statistics, Lifetime Measurement, Background Radiation Sources, Radiation Shielding, and Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.

Experiments Included

  1. α, β, and γ
  2. Distance and Radiation
  3. Lifetime Measurement
  4. Counting Statistics
  5. Background Radiation Sources
  6. Radiation Shielding

Free Download: available at


Directions: Click on the”Experiment Title” link to the lab that you wish to preview. The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. After you submit a SIM request to borrow equipment or obtain the services of the Mobile Educator, then you will be emailed both the student and teacher versions of the experiment in Word format. You may edit the lab to meet your specific needs and make copies for use with your classes.

Organic Chemistry with Vernier

+ Organic Chemistry with Vernier + ‘
1 Determining Melting Temperature Go Direct® Melt Station
2 Recrystallization Go Direct® Melt Station, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
3 Determination of a Boiling Point Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
4 Identifying an Unknown Analgesic by Three Methods Go Direct® Melt Station, Vernier UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
5 Separation of Organic Compounds by Acid-Base Extraction Techniques Go Direct® Melt Station
6 Understanding Polarimetry Go Direct® Polarimeter
7 Identification of Organic Unknowns Using Polarimetry Go Direct® Polarimeter
8 Investigating Gas Chromatography Go Direct® Mini GC
9 Fractional Distillation of Esters Go Direct® Mini GC, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
10 Understanding Intermolecular Forces Using a Gas Chromatograph: Enthalpy of Vaporization Go Direct® Mini GC
11 Investigating Thermodynamic Relationships of Substituted Hydrocarbons Go Direct® Mini GC
12 Extraction of Spinach Pigments and Analysis by Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
13 SN1: Synthesis of t-butyl chloride Go Direct® Mini GC
14 SN2: Synthesis of 1-bromobutane Go Direct® Mini GC, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
15 Observing the Reaction Kinetics of Sucrose with Polarimetry Go Direct® Polarimeter
16 The Synthesis and Analysis of Aspirin Go Direct® Melt Station, Vernier UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
17 Isolation of R-(+)-Limonene from Oranges using Steam Distillation Go Direct® Polarimeter, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
18 Synthesizing Ethyl Acetate by Fisher Esterification Go Direct® Mini GC
19 Synthesis of Dibenzalacetone by Aldol Condensation Go Direct® Melt Station, Vernier UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
20 The Diels-Alder Reaction of Anthracene with Maleic Anhydride Go Direct® Melt Station, Vernier UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
21 Friedel-Crafts Acylation of Ferrocene Go Direct® Melt Station, Vernier UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
22 Grignard Formation of Crystal Violet Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
23 Synthesis of Fluorescein Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer, Go Direct® Wide-Range Temperature Probe
24 Synthesis of Methyl Orange and Its Application to Textiles Go Direct® SpectroVis® Plus Spectrophotometer
25 Analysis of Natural Products Go Direct® Polarimeter
26 Using a Gas Chromatograph: Identifying an Unknown Compound Go Direct® Mini GC
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